Tuesday, 26 April 2016


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Now the earth was formless and void and the Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the deep and God said let there be light… and there was light.

And so God began the creation of the most magnificent breath-taking paradise ever seen by the mortal eyes, the envy of all the sister planets and extra- terrestrial realms. It was made a replica of heaven. He called it earth.

It was so perfect, that God himself had to live there. And God said, let us make Man in our image and after our likeness. So God created Man, in his image and likeness created He him, male and female created he them.

And the Lord God formed men of the dust of the ground. From the mere dust he created the most intricate and most sophisticated of all creatures. Dust He was, dust he would have always been. He would have remained lifeless and would have been mere dust.
And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. He arose from the dust and became alive, alive with the breath of God in him.

Oxygen, the life of God… Oxygen.

God put him on earth with the sole purpose that he may have fellowship with him.
As long as he communed and fellowshipped with God, he had the oxygen of God in Him that made him immortal and eternal. He lived without sorrow on the earth.

But man was deceived, not knowing he was a god, the creature craved to become the creator. And so he ate of the forbidden fruit and exchanged divinity for humanity, immortality for mortality.  And from that that  day he became a Frankenstein- bound to sin, full of evil and wicked at heart. He became a living zombie… just breathing air but without the life of God in him which was hois very oxygen.

And man became an incarnate of destruction and with his very hands destroyed what God created. Man was given over to sin- witchcraft, malice, deception, adultery, murder, fornication, idolatry and all forms of sin.
No Oxygen. Absence of Oxygen. No life of God.

The Curse of sin was laid on man. For the soul that sinneth must die. It is appointed for men to die once, but after that is judgement. From dust we came, to dust we shall return. And we all shall appear before God and give account of our lives, how we spent our days on earth. We must all give account of the oxygen God gave us. We must give account of the breath God has given us.

Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen
What have you done with the breath God has given you? You shall give an account of the oxygen given to you.

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