Saturday, 30 April 2016


My prince.
My most esteemed noble.
What are you doing in a piggery?
What are you doing amongst swine?
Look at you! Behold your filth!
You have been wining and dining with pigs,
You have been the companion of the unclean,
You have courted with the basest and most ignoble of men.

You left the straight paths to walk in crooked ways.
You abandoned the light in pursuit of darkness.
You stooped so low and indulged in fleshy lusts and shameful passions.
You have given yourself over to sodomy,
You are enslaved to pornography,
Your mind is given over to marijuana and other harmful substances,
You have given up the church for casinos and brothels,
You have spent your strength in pleasure and wasted time chasing nothingness.

Look at you!
Take a look at yourself.
You are far from what I designed you to be,
You are different from what I molded you to be.
As the master potter,
I had a wonderful design for your life.
You are now empty, void of understanding,
And headed for destruction

Look at what you have done to yourself!
After all I have done for you,
You went back to your old ways,
You returned back to the piggery.
You were once lost in the world of sin,
A Slave of iniquity,
A prisoner of the prince of darkness,
And Lost to divinity.
I found you while you were wounded and lifeless,
Lying in the mires of godlessness,
I picked you up,
And I washed you in the waters of mercy and truth.

I dressed you in grace,
I cleansed you of all filthiness,
I made you a prince,
And set you on high, I gave you authority and power.
You ruled over principalities,
You governed over eternal realms,
I made you have dominion over the creatures of the earth,
You were a god down here.
I told you to subdue the earth and multiply,
I made you to be fruitful and multiply.

But how did you repay my love?
How did you reward my compassion and grace upon you?
You abandoned your place.
You rejected my offer and decided to live like a pauper.
You preferred the cheap life of filth and wantonness,
You exhausted yourself in your passion,
And now… you are wasted!
You thought you were enjoying yourself,
You thought it was ecstasy.
But now you know that it was all a mirage,
And that you have been deceived.
For it bites and stings and feeds on your body and soul,
Till you are spent and no more.

You are now full of regret and bitterness,
But are hardened by your pride.
Your will is weakened by your lusts,
You feel condemned and want to die.
But you are afraid of what awaits you in the afterlife.
You have a conviction that eternal damnation awaits you eternity,
You tremble at the thought of it.

You may have condemned yourself,
But I have not condemned you.
I love you so much to lose you.
I have awaited your return with open arms spread out in love,
Waiting for you to run into my embrace.
I know you have failed me, but I have forgiven you.
I am giving you a second chance.
I have sufficient grace for you.

Come, oh come child of mine!
My Royal one come!
My prince come,
Let me re-mould you in my arms of love,
And recreate you into what I want you to be.
Oh come quickly… what are you still doing in the piggery?

Friday, 29 April 2016



For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life 
       - John 3: 16
There is one who loves me;
There is one who loves me so much;
His love is incomparable;
His love is pure;
His love is true;

There is one who loves me;
His love is unfathomable;
His love is indescribable;
His love is unconditional;

There is one that loves me so much;
He left all just because of me;
He abandoned all just to set me free;
He gave up his majesty so that I may be enthroned;

There is one who loves me so much;
He gave up his kingdom to make me a king;
He casted down his crown to give me a crown of life;
He became a mortal man that I could become a god;
He assumed servant hood that I could inherit son ship;
He gave up his claim that I could become an heir of his kingdom;

There is one who loves me so much;
He wore a crown of thorns for my sake;
He took the thirty-nine lashes I should have taken;
He was crucified on the cross in my stead;
He died the death I should have died;

There is one who loves me so much;
His love is real;
When all forsook me, he was there for me;
When I was abandoned by family and friends, he stood by me;
When society rejected me, he accepted me;
When it seemed like it was over and my game was up,
there he was at my side encouraging me through the race of life;

There is one who loves me so much;
His name is Jesus, the savior of the world;

He love you too.

Thursday, 28 April 2016



See what we have done to ourselves in the name of religion.
Look at what we have let religion do to us.

See, look and behold.
See what wreck we have wrought, look at the destruction and devastation we have brought upon ourselves, behold the carnage our bloodletting has caused.

How did this happen? How did we come to this?

Once upon a time there was peace amongst the various religions;

there were agreements and mutual understanding amongst the adherents of the different faiths;
We co-existed even in our differences.

But suddenly self-righteousness, zealotry and bigotry came upon us; and men stood up in defense of God. Men thought God too merciful and weak and took upon themselves the right to be executors of the judgment of God.
And so the carnage began; the destruction and wreckage consumed us.

We abandoned the spirit of love and self-control, and wore upon ourselves the cloaks of extremism and mayhem.

Rather than being the images of God, we became incarnates of the spirit of destruction and unleashed terror on each other.
After so much wars and bloodshed; in the end no one won, but we all lost.

For we arose from our stabbing, clubbing and inferno to behold our new inventions; our pride of massive carnage and arson. We had nothing but miles and miles of man created waste lands where we once had productive space full of cultivated fields, businesses and industries.

When we finally paused to take a critical look at our inventions, we frowned in horror at the doom we had brought on ourselves.

For lives were lost, lineages wiped out, wealth destroyed and many years wasted.

We sat in the dust to wail; we mourned our much loss. 

But pride and hatred found their way back into our hearts and rather than take the fall for our mistakes, we blamed the adherents of other faiths for our woes and they blamed us for theirs.
 In vengeance and in search of retribution, we continued the war and have continued to war without end. Behold the result… ceaseless mayhem.

See what we have done to ourselves in the name of religion.

We have made a mockery of God and have flaunted his laws and commandments.
We have shed innocent blood and destroyed his creatures.
We have deserted his ways and taken to religion.
We have prided in our philosophies and doctrines, thus abandoning God’s ordinances.
In the end it is all vanity, waste and nothingness.
Look at what we have done to ourselves in the name of religion.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


I am a Nigerian
Born of Nigeria
Why am I born of this Nation?
Why am I born a Nigerian?
Why am I born of this country that lies at the west of the African continent?

Why am I born Nigerian?
I could have been born Ghanaian
I could have been born Egyptian
I could have been born South African
I could have even be born American, Asian or European
But I am born of Africa
I am born Nigerian

But why oh Lord?
Why did you make me Nigerian?
Do you hate me this much?
Did you destine me to be inferior to others?
Am I purposed to live in penury?
Am I?
If not, then why did you choose to make me Nigerian?
You could have made me someone else, other than a Nigerian?

Why am I born a Nigerian?
Am I born so that I can live in poverty?
Am I created to endure corruption?
Am I born to live in fear and insecurity?
Am I born to endure tribal wars, religious intolerance and terrorism without end?
Am I born to live in inflation and a shattered economy?
Am I?
If not, then why am I born of a country where nothing works?
Why then am I born a Nigerian?
The average Nigerian lives below $2 a day

The life expectancy of a Nigerian is 47 years, the lowest in the entire West Africa
Her infant mortality rate is 91.54
It is scarcity, hunger, poverty, unemployment and premature death for the average Nigerian
Yet I am born Nigerian
For what reason?
I am born Nigerian for such a time as this
I am born Nigerian for a purpose
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
I am born a Nigerian for a purpose
A divine purpose
A purpose to show forth the glory of the Lord

In this Nigerian Socio- economic adversity
I was born to make changes
To turn the Nigerian order
The Nigerian order from despair to hope
From visions to reality
From poverty to prosperity

I was born to be above the tide
To improve the lives of people
To take my nation Nigeria from obscurity to lime light
To move Nigeria from an indebted nation to an economic giant
To move Nigeria from a consumer economy to an innovative and creative nation
To turn around the sufferings of my people Nigeria and restore the Nigerian dream of greatness
I was born for such a time as this
I love me country
I love Nigeria
I am proud to be a Nigerian

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Now the earth was formless and void and the Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the deep and God said let there be light… and there was light.

And so God began the creation of the most magnificent breath-taking paradise ever seen by the mortal eyes, the envy of all the sister planets and extra- terrestrial realms. It was made a replica of heaven. He called it earth.

It was so perfect, that God himself had to live there. And God said, let us make Man in our image and after our likeness. So God created Man, in his image and likeness created He him, male and female created he them.

And the Lord God formed men of the dust of the ground. From the mere dust he created the most intricate and most sophisticated of all creatures. Dust He was, dust he would have always been. He would have remained lifeless and would have been mere dust.
And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. He arose from the dust and became alive, alive with the breath of God in him.

Oxygen, the life of God… Oxygen.

God put him on earth with the sole purpose that he may have fellowship with him.
As long as he communed and fellowshipped with God, he had the oxygen of God in Him that made him immortal and eternal. He lived without sorrow on the earth.

But man was deceived, not knowing he was a god, the creature craved to become the creator. And so he ate of the forbidden fruit and exchanged divinity for humanity, immortality for mortality.  And from that that  day he became a Frankenstein- bound to sin, full of evil and wicked at heart. He became a living zombie… just breathing air but without the life of God in him which was hois very oxygen.

And man became an incarnate of destruction and with his very hands destroyed what God created. Man was given over to sin- witchcraft, malice, deception, adultery, murder, fornication, idolatry and all forms of sin.
No Oxygen. Absence of Oxygen. No life of God.

The Curse of sin was laid on man. For the soul that sinneth must die. It is appointed for men to die once, but after that is judgement. From dust we came, to dust we shall return. And we all shall appear before God and give account of our lives, how we spent our days on earth. We must all give account of the oxygen God gave us. We must give account of the breath God has given us.

Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen
What have you done with the breath God has given you? You shall give an account of the oxygen given to you.